Footprints in the Snow

Footprints in the Snow

A White-tailed Jackrabbit track left in the fresh snow. Note that the smaller prints are from the forelegs while the larger ones are from the rear, but the animal was traveling from left to right. The front feet come down first, followed by the hind. Unfortunately we didn’t see any of the animals, but there were little rabbit highways in the snow all over the place in the area we were walking. There must be a lot of rabbits in that area at some times during the day!

Baby Bunnies in the Flowerbed

Baby bunnies in the flowerbed

I got home tonight and discovered some excitement in my neighborhood about some baby rabbits in the flowerbed at a house across the street. The kids on the street had discovered them earlier in the day and obviously were very excited. Baby bunnies are extremely cute. They are also essentially helpless without their parents around, and so they tried to stay motionless in the flowerbed all evening in order to avoid any attention.

The kids had a good time watching them (and feeding them some carrot sticks), and of course I dropped by to take a few pictures. Other than that they were left alone in the same place that they were found. There had been no sign of the parents all afternoon or evening, but hopefully they will return to collect the babies after it gets dark…

Baby bunnies in the flowerbed

Baby bunnies in the flowerbed

Baby bunnies in the flowerbed

Baby bunnies in the flowerbed

Happy Easter!

I hope the Easter Bunny helps make your Easter Weekend great!

These are all images of some of the White-tailed Jackrabbits that run wild (literally) around this part of Alberta. These little critters are pretty confused at this time of year and they don’t know whether they should be white or brown, and so sometimes they’re both. We’ve had some beautiful spring weather lately and so I expect that they will all be morphing into their brown summer fur very soon!

White-tailed Jackrabbit in Spring

White-tailed Jackrabbit in Summer Colors

White on White

White-tailed Jackrabbit nestled in a bed of snow

White-tailed Jackrabbit nestled in Winter