Sunrise Starburst

Sunrise Starburst

The winter landscape on the prairies can be so beautful that sometimes I find it hard to decide what image to make next. This was one of those examples where I was torn between wanting to make images of the grain bins that I knew would be glowing a beautiful red as the sun rose, or to try to create the starburst effect you see here just as the sun peeked over the horizon. In the end I managed to do both, but I really only got to try one composition for the starburst shot, and then I ran back over to the bins to make a few more images there. Fortunately this old fence was close enough to the bins that I was able to use it to give the starburst shot some foreground interest.

Grain Bins in the Morning Glow

Dramatic Skies over Canola Fields

Dramatic Skies over Prairie Fields

I’ve been happily watching the canola fields gradually turn yellow as the summer slowly passes by, but I’ve been waiting for just the right opportunity to make some great images. I love to see dramatic skies hanging over the prairie landscape and so I had to take advantage of this great combination. It’s amazing how vibrant the yellow Canola flowers really are and the contrast between the dark skies and the bright fields is even more amazing in person. The flowers are already starting to drop so the show will be over in the next week or two. If you live anywhere near the Prairies and you haven’t had a chance to see the Canola yet this year you really should try to get out before it’s gone!

Dramatic Skies over Prairie Fields

Prairie Road splitting Fields of Canola

Prairie Road splitting Fields of Canola