Deer Butts

Deer Butts

Sometimes you get the shot you want, and sometimes you get the butt.

I was out for a walk at Carburn Park with my son when a herd of about a dozen deer charged out of the woods. I could hear a dog barking off in the distance (in the No Dogs Allowed part of the park) so I can only assume that they were spooked out. When they saw us they froze and obviously couldn’t decide where to go. I tried to make a some portraits but they were still pretty scared and they took off running down the trail. We followed them for awhile in case they stopped, but they slipped off into the woods instead of hanging around for a chat.

Coyote Butt

Coyote on the Run

Sometimes you get the shot you want, sometimes you get the butt!

I was doing some work in the garden (I have a plot in a farm field on the prairies East of Calgary) when I noticed a young coyote saunter across the field and duck behind the barn. I immediately grabbed my camera and trotted over to the barn, hoping to find the coyote hanging out behind it. Sure enough it wasn’t far away, but unfortunately we saw each other at the same time. Coyote’s are almost always wary animals and this one was no exception. It immediately turned and ran away. I managed to fire off a couple of shots, but this side of the animal wasn’t quite what I was hoping to see.

Bluebird Butts

Bluebird Butts

Sometimes you make the image you plan to make. Sometimes you get the butt…

NOTE – these birds were found while visitng my parents home in Winfield (near Kelowna, BC), not in Alberta. I had an interesting request for information from Jocelyn Hudon (Curator of Ornithology at the Royal Alberta Museum, and the Chair of the Alberta Bird Record Committee) wondering whether I had found these in Alberta. That would have been a much more exciting find since, according to Jocelyn, there have been fewer than 15 such discoveries in Alberta. This was not quite so exciting as that, but still interesting for me!

Check the Official List of the Birds of Alberta at